Celebrating Women Entrepreneurship – Muthuselvi’s Magic Recipe

What is my goal? What am I all about? Ask yourself and keep coming back until you find answers that say ‘This is who I am’. Every small decision of yours adds power to your ultimate goal. The woman entrepreneurs of today are exploring multiple territories fearlessly. They possess intellect and rampant enthusiasm to make a difference with their ideas and generate employment for many. On Women’s Day we bring you the journey of a Women Edupreneur, Muthuselvi, Center Director of MyBeeClub Avadi, who set a benchmark within a month of starting.

“Pursuing entrepreneurship was my husband’s dream. However I could never take the risk of quitting my well-paying job to start my own business. I was hesitant to take the first step. It took more time to convince myself than it took to convince my family.” Her heart quivered with conflicting emotions but the thrill of soaring has to begin with the fear of falling. Despite fears, she knew it was time. The push was the greatest gift her husband offered. A gift that changed her life for better!

Apart from a healthy work life balance, the main thing that drove Muthuselvi to pursue entrepreneurship was that as an Edupreneur she could be herself, be more mindful, felt satisfied and continued to do what she loved. “Working to build the skillset of younger generation in our community was the vision of MyBeeClub Avadi. “With likeminded people on board, we took best of our efforts to bring transformation in every student. Now we stand at 30 enrolments in our first month and we already have happy parent referrals.” The team’s heart work also paid off at the WhizzKid Challenge bagging two victories.

Once she is determined, nobody can stop her. In a nutshell, the ingredients for a magic recipe is to do our work with love in integration with system and process, success will follow automatically.

Muthuselvi had well-organised goals that she was tenacious about. “A quality work life balance is when you are satisfied with your work and you are with your family when they need you and vice versa. I can definitely say, our family time has gone up and our lifestyle is getting healthier. This is just a by-product of being an Edupreneur at MyBeeClub”.

We must grab the right opportunity and can’t keep waiting for the opportunity to approach us. We must take a step forward to create that opportunity. So women push yourself, it is all you need, to learn to fly someday. Even eagles need a push. Wishing all women a Happy Women’s Day. Come take your first step to become a Women Edupreneur!

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