Celebrating Women Entrepreneurship – Muthuselvi’s Magic Recipe

What is my goal? What am I all about? Ask yourself and keep coming back until you find answers that say ‘This is who I am’. Every small decision of yours adds power to your ultimate goal. The woman entrepreneurs of today are exploring multiple territories fearlessly. They possess intellect and rampant enthusiasm to make a difference with their ideas and generate employment for many. On Women’s Day we bring you the journey of a Women Edupreneur, Muthuselvi, Center Director of MyBeeClub Avadi, who set a benchmark within a month of starting.

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Mompreneur – Geetha Sureshbhaabu | Capitalizing on ones own Motherhood

You might be a mom, if you’ve just locked the gate and realized you left your lunch upstairs. If you’ve reached office and found your phone on low battery, you could be a mom. If you already started planning on day one of the month to take that ONE casual leave, you’re definitely a working mom. Mother is the most complex role and when she is an entrepreneur, take a bow!

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Empowering Mompreneurs | Fostering Women Entrepreneurship!

It is becoming increasingly clear that women are, and will continue to be the powerful drivers of economic development. When women are empowered to make an income, accumulate assets and increase their economic security, they spur economic growth by creating new opportunities. There is increasing recognition that women entrepreneurs are the new engines for sustainable growth and rising stars of economies.

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You are a Super Woman!

Hi Everyone!

This is my first article and I’m excited to share my thoughts on womanhood and what I believe women can do. I am not a mother yet, but I have met some wonderful women in my life who have rather left me changed for life. Every year, on Women’s Day we receive notes, wishes, and join in the Go Woman campaigning, but it doesn’t have to stop right there. Today’s women are capable of much more than they actually believe in.

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